Lower LDL Cholesterol Naturally to Promote a Healthy Heart
- by Dr Himan Wickramasinghe.
Multiple studies over the years have shown that high levels of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol cause cardiovascular disease. As a result, LDL cholesterol is commonly known as bad cholesterol. It is considered a modifiable risk factor since we can regulate our LDL cholesterol level with lifestyle choices. The mechanism by which elevated LDL cholesterol causes cardiovascular disease is by being deposited as plaque in arteries. These deposits increase over the years and gradually reduce blood flow to organs such as the heart. Ultimately, plaque induced by LDL cholesterol deposits can break off, leading to a blood clot and resulting in a heart attack.
Despite the awareness of high cholesterol as a major health concern, nearly 100 million Americans have the condition, and of those, less than 30% have their cholesterol levels under control1. You can help prevent and manage risks associated with high cholesterol by making healthy choices. If you are a smoker and have high cholesterol the risk of heart disease is exponentially higher. Thus, stopping smoking is an important aspect of cardiovascular health. You can also reduce your cardiovascular disease risk by limiting foods high in saturated fat. Such fats come from animal products (e.g., cheese, fatty meats, and desserts) and tropical oils (such as palm oil). Foods that are higher in saturated fat tend to be high in cholesterol2. Thus it is essential to reduce such foods in one’s diet which include red meat, fried foods, processed meats, shellfish, etc. Thus Dietary and lifestyle modifications are key in maintaining a healthy heart.
Another important aspect of controlling cholesterol is incorporating the right foods and supplements into our routine. There are many foods that have been promoted as being good for cholesterol. While some of these foods such as garlic, spinach, and avocados are indeed healthy, there is no scientific evidence that they reduce cholesterol. Similarly, certain supplements such as Niacin reduce bad cholesterol, but the supplement has significant side effects and is difficult to tolerate. Two foods that have been proven to reduce bad cholesterol and are also well tolerated are oatmeal and olive oil. The cardiovascular benefit of oatmeal is derived from oat β-glucan, a soluble dietary fiber found in oats. It has been shown to lower bad cholesterol and is one of the few foods that the FDA has authorized to have the claim “lowers cholesterol”3. Olive oil has also been shown to reduce the negative effects of LDL cholesterol on the cardiovascular system4. Olive oil is also a key component of the Mediterranean diet which has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A supplement that has been shown in research studies to reduce LDL cholesterol is Red Yeast Rice Extract5. There is documentation of its use in China dating back to 800 AD and it is widely consumed in other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea. It has been used for centuries in traditional eastern medicine for its beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. It is manufactured by culturing Monascus yeast on white rice under carefully controlled growing conditions to increase the concentrations of natural chemicals that lower LDL cholesterol.

It is always a challenge to incorporate healthy foods and supplements into our daily routine in a convenient manner. A novel supplement, known as Naturachol, that combines oatmeal, olive oil, and Red Yeast Rice Extract attempts to bridge this gap and provides a fresh approach to reducing cholesterol. It has been clinically proven in a research study to reduce LDL cholesterol in patients while not affecting good cholesterol. While there are many options to reduce cholesterol, Naturachol certainly offers a new and more natural choice for patients.
Of course, before taking any over-the-counter supplement please consult your personal physician and discuss whether it is right for you.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Himan Wickramasinghe

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, September 8). Cholesterol information. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Cholesterol - healthy eating tips. Cholesterol - healthy eating tips - Better Health Channel. (n.d.). https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/cholesterol-healthy-eating-tips#bhc-content
- CFR - code of federal Regulations Title 21. accessdata.fda.gov. (n.d.). https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm?fr=101.81.
- Gimeno, E., Fitó, M., Lamuela-Raventós, R. M., Castellote, A. I., Covas, M., Farré, M., de la Torre-Boronat, M. C., & López-Sabater, M. C. (2002). Effect of ingestion of virgin olive oil on human low-density lipoprotein composition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 56(2), 114–120. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601293
- Red yeast rice and Plant stanols for Cholesterol Reduction. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/17417-cholesterol-reduction-red-yeast-rice-and-plant-stanols.
- Silva AO (2021) The Combination of Red Yeast Rice Extract, Oatmeal and Olive Oil Reduces Serum Cholesterol. J Hum Nutr 4(1):130-135