How does Obesity Affect Heart and Cholesterol Levels?
In your life, you come across many health issues that make you fall sick and sometimes the health problems go beyond to the point where you have to leave your routine jobs aside and just focus on the health issue. Heart diseases are those health problems that sometimes prove to be fatal which you never want. So, what should be done to keep heart problems at bay? The answer to this question lies here, read further.
What is the main cause of heart disease?
When we talk about the causes behind any heart disease, then there is no perfect answer as there are different factors that are responsible for it, which include:
- Lifestyle Choices: By lifestyle choices, we mean the food you eat and the exercise regimen you follow. This is because the food you eat has an important role in affecting your health. Moreover, if you don’t have an exercise regimen, you are surely at risk of being affected by heart disease.
- Genetics: When we say genetics, we mean the hereditary health problems that are passed on to any individual through genes from their parents.
- Environmental Factors: When we say environmental factors that are behind any heart disease, the same includes air pollution as breathing in polluted air increases the risk of heart disease.
What happens when you are affected by a heart disease?
The common thing that is behind most heart diseases is high cholesterol which creates problems for you. The factors we have talked about above just make your cholesterol levels increase. It means that there is a relationship between cholesterol and heart health as an increase in cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases. To keep heart diseases at bay, you should maintain your cholesterol levels. Now we will talk about how obesity affects heart and cholesterol.
Obesity Effects on Heart and Cholesterol
Being obese is not good at all as obesity makes you a contender for most health problems linked to the heart such as stroke and heart attack, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, digestive problems, musculoskeletal disorders, sleep apnea, depression, and mood disorders. For the ones, who are unaware of obesity, we are going to discuss it so that they get to know about this problem.
What is Obesity?
Obesity is a health condition in which the sufferer experiences abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat. It is a chronic disease that affects your overall health and quality of life. Why quality of life? It is because you will be having difficulty in doing basic things that people of similar age are doing easily. It can lead to serious medical conditions and this is not it as it affects your self-esteem and mental health.
Relationship between Obesity and Heart Health

As said, there is a link between obesity and heart health as obesity is associated with poor heart health, and excess body fat around your waist area contributes to risk factors for heart disease such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, type 2 diabetes and others. All these make your heart work harder and increase the risk of heart failure and coronary heart disease.
It indicates that obesity is not good for your heart and that’s why it becomes necessary to shed the extra kilos. Do you know the reason behind obesity? There are different reasons behind obesity as some people are obese from birth while some get obese due to their lifestyle choices, mainly the food they take. Fried foods top the list of foods that make you obese and your priority should be to eliminate these foods from your routine.
As discussed, obesity increases your cholesterol levels, which further puts you at risk of other health problems, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and mainly heart diseases. How to overcome obesity or how to lower obesity? This is the question every obese person asks themself and they are in search to find the answer to this question. If you, too, are one among those, don’t worry, just read further as we are going to discuss effective tips to lower obesity.
Effective Tips to Lower Obesity
- Regular Exercise
Regular exercise is essential to keep you in shape and to be in the best of health, it is recommended to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day if you are a child, and it should be at least 150 minutes per week if you are an adult. When we talk about the exercises that should be in your exercise regimen, the same includes aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, dancing, stair climbing, hiking, and other, strength training exercises.
- Eat Healthy
As discussed, the food you eat is responsible for making you obese and the more calories you consume, the more you are at risk of being obese. Some foods that make you obese include processed meat, ice cream, dark chocolate, butter, full-fat milk, butter, sweetened beverages, cakes, dried fruits, cheese, and fried foods. If you eat anything among these, immediately stop eating it. Your diet should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid having added sugar, salt, and highly processed foods.
- Get Enough Sleep
Good sleep is essential for every person no matter what their age is. When we say enough sleep, the definition for the same varies from person to person. For children, 8-10 hours of sleep, and for adults, 6-8 hours of sleep falls under the category of enough sleep. Set a consistent bedtime and avoid screen time before bed.
- Manage Stress
Stress is the root cause of many health problems, including obesity and that’s why you should try to reduce stress in your life.
With these tips, you can get rid of obesity in quick time and avoid your cholesterol levels to rise. But what if you are unable to follow these tips and your cholesterol levels just rise? You can then count on natural cholesterol-reducer supplements, which are known to reduce your high cholesterol in quick time. One such natural cholesterol-reducer supplement is Naturachol, which can be ordered online with a few clicks of the mouse. So, what are you waiting for? Place your order now!