How Does Grape Seed Extract Help in Lowering Cholesterol Levels?
High cholesterol levels prove to be a silent killer as this condition does not make an individual realize that their health is deteriorating. Most people get to know about their high cholesterol levels accidentally, you may ask how it is possible. The answer is that when they get a full body checkup done, it reveals that their cholesterol levels are just shooting up, which is not a good sign as high cholesterol levels bring with them so many risks, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, and others.
If by chance, it is detected that your cholesterol levels are high and you are at risk of cardiovascular disease and heart problems, then the first thing is not to panic. This is because pressing the panic button is not the solution, but you should immediately stop eating outside food and only eat food prepared at home. This may not be sufficient and you can rely on health supplements and natural products like Grape Seed Extract. Many of you will question what is it, don’t worry, just read the post
What is Grape Seed Extract?
Grape seed extract is a cholesterol-lowering supplement made from the seeds of wine grapes. Wine grapes contain proanthocyanidins, a kind of phenolic chemical known for its antioxidant properties. It has been found that grape seed extract consumption helps in keeping many health problems at bay and high cholesterol levels are one of those problems that can be cured with grape seed extract. You may wonder how grape seed extract lowers your cholesterol levels. Let’s find out the answer.
How Grape Seed Extract Helps in Lowering Cholesterol?
As discussed, grape seed extract contains proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, which are antioxidants that reduce oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol, and help keep heart diseases away from you. By preventing oxidation, grape seed extract helps in maintaining high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol levels.

Further, grape seed extract’s use improves blood flow and reduces inflammation in blood vessels so you can expect overall cardiovascular health. It has anti-aging properties that will stop your skin from aging and you will remain young for a long. After knowing the health benefits, you may ask how to take grape seed extract and in which form it is available on the market.
How to Take Grape Seed Extract?
Grape seed extract supplement is available in tablet and powdered form and you can choose between the two according to your convenience. However, if you talk about the easiest one, then tablet form is the easiest one because you only need to swallow the tablet or pill while in powdered form you need to mix it in a liquid which is less effective as it is being diluted.
Being effective in bringing down your high cholesterol levels is good but you should first find out whether its consumption has any side effects. If there are any side effects, ensure that those are rare and not fatal. Let’s shed light on the common side effects associated with the use of grape seed extract supplements.
Side Effects of Grape Seed Extract Supplements
Usually, grape seed extract’s use does not cause any problems; however, there is no 100 percent guarantee that its use will not cause any harm to you. However, the common side effects include:
- Cough
- Headache
- Itchy Skin
- Sore Throat
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Nausea
These side effects are common and can even happen with any medicine or supplement’s use so there is no need to worry at all. Getting rid of high cholesterol levels at the cost of these health problems is not a bad deal because these just happen and go away in a day or two. When you make your mind to use grape seed extract supplement to lower your cholesterol levels, your first question will be which is the best green seed extract on the market? To find the answer to this question, you need to research and not every individual likes to do that. If you are one among those individuals, don’t worry, because there is a solution, which is Naturachol, which has grape seed extract as one of its ingredients.
Why You Should Use Naturachol?
Naturachol is doctor-recommended supplement and the good thing is that it is made up of all-natural ingredients, which are:
- Red Yeast Rice Extract
- Oatmeal
- Olive Oil
- Grape Seed Extract
- Coenzyme Q10
After taking Naturachol tablets continuously for 30 days, you will find a reduction of 20 percent in your high cholesterol levels. It is one of the few natural cholesterol-lowering supplements trusted by people. The good thing is that it does not have any side effects, so if you do not benefit from its use, then you will not also get any harm.

Common Questions Related to Grape Seed Extract
Q. How does grape seed extract lower cholesterol?
A. Grape seed extract contains proanthocyanidins, which reduce the oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol, which improves overall heart health.
Q. How many days do grape seed extract supplements’ use show results?
A. From day one you will feel a drop in your cholesterol levels; however, if you use it continuously for 30 days, you will a drop of 20 percent in your high cholesterol levels, which is a significant drop.
Q. Is grape seed extract safe for everyone?
A. You can use grape seed extract supplement for lowering your cholesterol levels; however, you should consult your physician if you are allergic to grapes or a pregnant or breastfeeding woman.
Q. Do I need to take a healthy diet along with this supplement’s use?
A. Yes, a healthy diet along with grape seed extract’s use will drop your high cholesterol levels significantly.
Q. Which is the best way to use grape seed extract?
A. This supplement is available in different forms, such as tablets, powdered, or liquid form. Tablets are best as they provide a consistent dosage.
Q. Can I take grape seed extract with my current cholesterol medication?
A. It is generally safe to use this supplement; however, you should consult your physician before taking it alongside any other cholesterol-lowering medication.
We hope the information provided here in the post helped you understand this topic: grape seed extract. For more related blogs, keep visiting the blog section.